About Good Deeds Scanning
We are a professional, people based company who wants to eliminate your need for filing, storing and retrieval headaches. We understand that the information you store is important to you and want to help maintain your customers information with ease and confidence. We have well over 75 years in the financial industry and understand how the loss of just one file could be detrimental. Stop spending your company assets (your employees) for the mundane tasks of filing and retrieving the information you need right now! We can not only cut your cost but also eliminate lost files and wasted time for attempting to retrieve a file from storage. Did you know that the average employee spends 6 weeks of wasted time in a calendar year looking for files that have been filed away…6 whole weeks…you do the math.
We can design a structure that works around your busy office. We provide pickup and delivery for our clients. Once we have established your particular needs we then perform the following for you:
- Sort through and remove all staples, rubber bands, etc.
- Place all post-it notes and loose papers onto a separate image form for scanning
- Scan all documents in file to our state of the art computer program
- Give you access either by file number, street address, etc. for you to locate at a later date
- We then provide you and your customer CD/ROM diskettes(if arranged with set-up)
- Securely shred and eliminate all paper products and files.